Godsrule Open Beta Free Key Giveaway and receive over 20 dollars in Orbs (premium in-game currency)

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Godsrule Open Beta Free Key Giveaway and receive over 20 dollars in Orbs (premium in-game currency)
MMO Game: Godsrule | Area: International | Official Website: Godsrule
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Sega and Gogogic publishers of Godsrule with FreeMMORPGlist.Com, MMOReviews.Com, F2P.Com, GratisMMORPG.De, MMORPG Gratis.Com , JuegaenRed.Com, MMOGratuit.Com, MMOGratis.Com and GiochiMMO.it to give you an exclusive Open Beta Free item giveaway.
Open Beta Key Rewards; Players who register with an Open Beta key code will receive over $20 in Orbs (premium in-game currency). Orbs can be used to speed up building, research, and training times. They can also be used to upgrade spells, acquire premium battle units, purchase tokens for the daily lottery, and more.
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Step 2. Go to here register and follow the instructions to add the code.
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About this game:
An epic war has broken out between the Old and New Gods for control of the world. Humans have joined the Old Gods and Elves, Demons and Giants have joined the new. Players can pick from two different factions and fight for control in real time multiplayer combat. Godsrule: War of Mortals is built for both casual and hardcore players and allows them to team up with their friends in combat, train units, and manage their empire from anywhere at any time. True cross-platform gameplay allows players to continue the struggle for dominance on either their PC browsers or their iPads.
Choose Your Destiny
Select a faction, build and shape a dynamic & persistent world, train armies, and craft spells to ensure victory!
Conquer Foes in Real Time
Team-based PvP combat takes place in real time, while you upgrade and customize your army, and community features allow for clan battles and resource trading.
Play Anytime, Anywhere
True cross-platform gameplay allows you to play on your PC browser or on-the-go on your iPad. PC and iPad players can play together, making it easier to get right into the game.